Sew Fancy Pants Spotlight: LA Finch Fabrics — HavinSewMuchFun


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Sew Fancy Pants Spotlight: LA Finch Fabrics

Sew Fancy Pants Spotlight: LA Finch Fabrics

LA Finch Fabrics has been enabling my fabric buying since 2015. Their shop used to be like a dirty little secret, but the news of their awesome sauce spread through the sewing community and I’m sure you’ve heard of them by now. (If not! Definitely join their FB group and follow them on IG.) Josie, Leslie, and the gang frequently run giveaways and sales.

I probably check LA Finch Fabrics’ site once a week to check for new stock. Since they are located in LA, as one might deduce from their name, they are often able to scoop up designer ends and deadstock. Those unique fabrics sell fast fast, often cannot be restocked, and are frequently listed in their End of Bolt section.

Now, since we’re sewing our fanciest pants this month, you’ll want to head straight to the bottomweights.

I think you’ll find (I checked last night) they have a good stock of Cone Mills denim, the Cadillac of denim. Of course, they also have ponte and other drapey wovens which you would want if you’re planning to sew various trouser or culotte styles.

If you haven’t already, head to Jen’s post today to enter to win a shop credit!

46 Likes, 119 Comments - Jennifer Lee / A Maker Heart (@makerheart) on Instagram: "Welcome to the beginning of week 2 of #SewFancyPants! Today is the first day of nearly 2 weeks of..."

Narcisse Pants

Sew Fancy Pants Fabric Shops