#LetsSewThisTogether: April Sew Swap — HavinSewMuchFun


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#LetsSewThisTogether: April Sew Swap

#LetsSewThisTogether: April Sew Swap

Hey friends! Jen and I excited to introduce a new sewing event. For the April session of #letssewthistogether, we thought a sewing swap could be a fun way to connect with other sewcialists and spread some love across the community. We all often gush about how supportive and generally super badass the IG sewing community is so here’s an opportunity to spread some much more tangible appreciation and love.

Inspired by Sanae and Ute’s Secret Valentine’s Exchange (which, sadly, is on hiatus!), we were planning to have this event for occur in February, but then SewFancyPants consumed our Januaries (in the best way possible) and we decided to push this swap into April. Since April pairs well with showers (like a good wine), let’s shower each other with love!


So here’s how April Sew Swap works-

  • Sign up for the swap.

The sign up form is here (NOW CLOSED). The form will open on March 1st and accept responses for 10 days or 100 participants, whichever comes first. Some fields are optional.

  • Get paired with another random participant.

    We’ll take care of the random partner assignments and then we’ll email you the details with your partner’s mailing information. We will try to pair you with someone residing in the same country whenever possible to keep shipping costs as minimal as possible, but we cannot guarantee it. The swap is open worldwide, so do consider that you may need to ship internationally.

  • Curate a small Love & Sewing themed gift for your partner.

Get stitching and crafting! Try to use stash materials in making your item(s). Think love, rain showers, rainbows. Be creative! There’s no wrong answer. We’re sharing some ideas and inspiration below. Throw in some notions or a fat quarter of fabric if you like. Just try to keep things small and light to minimize the postage (if expense is a concern).

Bonus points- Check your partner’s social media posts for hints on what colors and motifs they are drawn to.

We recommend a budget of about $20-25 (with shipping). This is at each maker’s discretion.

  • Mail it.

Do your best to complete your gift package and mail it to your swap partner in the first week of April. That means you need to mail your package in April, no later than Monday, April 8th.

  • Share it!

    Share little sneaks of your work if you like. Once your package is received, go ahead and share the full she-bang. Use the hashtags #letssewthistogether #aprilsewswap when sharing on IG.

Project ideas!

QuietPlays’s Heart on a Spool Paper Pieced Pattern

Small zippered pouch- Noodleheads’s Lil Cutie Pouches

Photo credit- Noodlehead

Photo credit- Noodlehead

Simple reusable bag- Fold-up Market Tote

Photo credit- Purl Soho

Photo credit- Purl Soho

Photo credit- sew many ways

Photo credit- sew many ways

Photo credit- KelbySews for Totally Stitchin’

Photo credit- KelbySews for Totally Stitchin’

Photo- KATM

Photo- KATM

Reversible Sock Knitting Project Bag

The April SewSwap is open to EVERYONE AND EVERYBODY who wants to share the love of sewing. We hope you’ll join us because we think it’s going to be a lot of fun!

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